Phone Number 18004447171
Aldi Hotel
Cagllavica,303, Pristina, 10000, Serbia

Aldi Hotel, Pristina

Aldi Hotel

Hotel Aldi is a perfect choice for travelers and business people. Hotel offers 16 rooms arranged according to modern accommodation standards. Each room has its own bathroom, cable TV, mini bar, alarm, fan, internet and many other amenities. The hotel has a very quiet garden where you can enjoy the fresh breeze and the wonderful aroma of flowers.The modern en-suite rooms come with cable TV, minibar, a work desk, alarm, fan, internet and many other amenities. Hotel offers  free Wi-Fi and free on-site parking. Guests can unwind in the quiet flower garden and start their day with a breakfast at the restaurant.  Aldi Hotel is located in Cagllavica village which is a 2 kilometer drive from the center of Prishtina on the main road Prishtina-Skopje.  It is only 5 minutes by car from the Prishtina Main Bus Station. Within 2 km from the hotel there are numerous cafés, restaurants and shopping. 

Aldi Hotel

Price & Availability